Keeba and Sakari were born in 2016 and joined The Zoo in the summer of 2020. Originally from a zoo in Virginia, the siblings needed a new home when the zoo was undergoing renovation and being redesigned. They're a playful and rambunctious duo. They are both females, and you can tell who's who by looking at their ears; Sakari has one flopped ear.
Canis lupus
10-15 years
Remote wilderness of North America and Eurasia
Timber wolves are pack hunters who use vocalizations to help communicate hunting tactics. They prey on small to medium mammals and larger ungulates such as deer, elk, and even moose.
Timber wolves typically live in packs made up of an alpha male and female and their offspring. Males can weigh up to 180 pounds and females up to 120 pounds.
Threats to timber wolves include habitat fragmentation and human persecution. Althought their population is stable, they inhabit just one third of their historical range.
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