Reeves' Muntjac Deer

Fang was born here at The Zoo in 2015. After his roommate passed away, Dandelion and Speed Racer joined him from Southwick's Zoo in the psring of 2020. They enjoy sweet potatoes and grapes, and chasing each other around their yard. Dandelion gave birth to Marigold in September of 2023. She was born at just 1.7 ounces.

Thorn was born at The Zoo in September 2024 is the son of Dandelion and Fang.

Scientific name

Muntiacus reevesi


10-15 years


Reeves' muntjac deer are widespread throughout southeast China nad Taiwan, and have also been introduced to certain parts of Europe.


The muntjac diet is composed of plants, fungi, fruits, and nuts.

Social Structure

Muntjac deer have a barking vocalization that sounds very similar to a dog which they emit during mating or when threatened. Both males and females defend their territory, and males will use their horns and fangs to fight other males.

Conservation Status

Least Concern

Threats in the Wild

Reeves' munjac deer are decreasing in the wild.  These deer are threatened by habitat destruction from urbanization and agricultural development and hunting.

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