Bobcats River and Felix both came to The Zoo from wildlife rehabilitators who deemed them non-releasable due to their habituation to humans. River is the younger female who joined The Zoo family in March of 2021. Felix is an older male who came to live at The Zoo in the fall of 2023. River loves to climb and sometimes springs down from trees to surprise her keepers. Felix is very friendly, and loves to play with feather toys and hang out in his green cat tube.
Lynx rufus
10-12 years
Forests, swamps, deserts, and suburban areas of North America
Bobcats are nocturnal hunters and feed on a wide variety of prey, including rabbits, birds, squirrels and mice.
Bobcats are usually solitary. Females raise their kittens alone and usually have 2-4 babies in a litter.
Minor threats to bobcats include hunting for fur, habitat loss and competition with incresasing coyote populations in certain parts of the U.S. However, their wild population remains stable.
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