Geri was taken in by a well meaning family who thought she was injured. After they started feeding her she stopped fending for herself. She was taken to a wildlife rehabilitator who deemed she had become too habituated to humans to be re-released.
Cupine was found as an orphaned kit. A wildlife rehabilitator attempted to rehab her for release but she was also deemed too habituated to humans for re-release.
Erethizon dorsatum
Up to 30 years
Canada, US, and northern Mexico
The majority of the porcupine's diet is made up of twigs, branches, bark, and leaves. The will also sometimes eat berries, nuts, and some insects.
Due to their excellent defense mechanism of quills, they can survive on their own and are completely solitary outside of breeding season and sharing shelter in cold months.
There are no major threats to the North American porcupine and their wild population is stable.
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